Shortcakes Family

(art commissioned from @pokki_ittoki)
Thank you! ♡

Family Info

Mirai (girl) and Shiro (boy) are Syo‘s and I‘s babies and mean so so so much to us! They‘re our whole world… [sobs]They are fraternal twins and 3-year-old toddlers.We love to call them our „little foxes“!
It’s also their theme!
We had them when we were already married.Mirai and Shiro take completely after Syo, minus my freckles, and I often talk about their obvious similarities!They’re also trilingual (Japanese, English, German) so they may sometimes alternate between languages in my stories but I always add the translation to prevent confusion.

General Info

I LOVE talking about my family (even though I’m shy) so if you wanna talk with me/ask me about them, please do!I’ll tag everything related to my family with ⭐️ little shining stars!Since Mirai and Shiro are my fantwins, and they really mean a lot to me, please don't make content about them without my permission unless we're friends.
See: Do's and Don'ts

  • Name: Mirai

  • Gender: Female

  • Age: 3 years (older twin)

  • Birthday: April 20th

  • Name: Shiro

  • Gender: Male

  • Age: 3 years (younger twin)

  • Birthday: April 20th

*) The twins’ ages could vary depending on different headcanons I talk about. That means that Mirai and Shiro could be babies in one headcanon and older kids in another. But, if not stated otherwise, they are always their “canon” age of 3-year-old toddlers!


  • You can always ask me about the twins or my whole little family!

  • RBing and RTing my family stories/art is fine too unless stated otherwise. (Just please be nice!)

  • I’ll tag everything with ⭐️ little shining stars but you can use other tags for it as long as it’s nothing hateful or the UtaPri main tag. (Again: Please be nice!)

  • I also love hearing about other’s fankids, especially if we share the same fandom (UtaPri), so feel free to talk about yours with me!**

**) This excludes other fankids with Syo. Please don’t gush/talk to me about yours and Syo’s kids unless we’re Syo yume friends/mutuals!


  • Please don’t use my twins and their content as a template for your own fankids or outright steal them!!

  • For my own comfort, please don’t create stories/art of Mirai and Shiro without my permission unless we’re friends! (Surprise gifts also only from friends, please!)

  • Please don’t be mean! It’s totally okay if you don’t wanna see/don’t like (fan)kids but don’t let it out on my twins or even on me.

  • Like mentioned above: My tag for my family stuff is ⭐️ little shining stars! If you don’t wanna see this content, you can always filter/block the tag.

Family Stories

This little place here is where I’m putting all family stories that I’ve written.
There will probably be stories I won’t publish on Tumblr/Twitter and are only available here!
I think it’s pretty clear but please don’t claim my stories as your own!

art by @403gachahearts ♡